New Year, Big News!

I’ve been stalling, but I have to update my occupation.

If you know me, you know I eat, sleep, and breathe senior living. Serving the elderly means so much to me both personally and professionally. Being an Executive Director has been an absolute honor, but for now, I’m taking a break..

Instead of midnight calls to the community (always watching those pendant response times🤪), I’m doing midnight feedings.

Instead of reporting a fever to the DOH, I’m alerting the pediatrician. 🤒

Instead of daily standup, we’re working on rolling over. 😉

Instead of managing labor (and covering open shifts 🫠🆘), I’m scheduling naps.

Instead of dreading snow, I’m actually looking forward to it this season. ☃️

I’m taking a step back to be home with my babies, my two under two😵‍💫🥰, and to shift my focus in what I consider to be the most fulfilling line of work there is: elder care. More on my next venture to come.. 👵🏼👴🏼

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